Custom-Mass production supply
We can customize and mass-produce Inverters and converters that
meet the needs of customers in various fields in a short period of time.
Mass production with high quality at a low cost becomes possible with us.

From Development to Mass Production, SMACH is here to support you!

Base Inverters geared for Speedy Mass Production
SMACH’s mass production is outstanding! Because we can:
- Integrate control system, from square wave and sine wave to vector control, that meets our customers’ needs.
- Configure input voltage and motor current for our customers’ requirements and meet harmonics regulations (with PFC).
- Shorten development peridod and achieve low cost and high quality.
AC input inverter
Product lineup

(Application Example) AC-driven motor equipment

DC input inverter
Product lineup

(Application Example ) Battery-powered and other motor equipment

Solid Experiences in Mass Production
Automatic guided vehicle

Rotating machine

Freezer car compatible with idling stop (start-stop) system

Next-generation freezer cars with high energy efficiency and meticulous temperature control equipped with an electric compressor generated by a special power generator via an inverter.
DCDC Converter